Tips for Prime Cannabis Cultivation & Harvesting
If you’ve been purchasing cannabis plants and products from an outside source, you might have wondered about growing some of your own. Taking the first step from being the proprietor of a dispensary to being a cannabis harvester can seem risky. With the right strategy and in a legal location, you will be able to both cultivate and harvest your own cannabis on-site. Here are a few tips for successful cannabis cultivation:
- Learn about Growing Methods Before You Begin
If you have been in the cannabis business for a while, you know that cannabis plants are normally grown in a hydroponic setup, in which the plants are suspended in a water-and-nutrient solution that nourishes them as they grow. You will also need to understand that:
- Hydroponically grown plants grow much faster—up to 30-50%-than in soil.
- The pH of the water must be routinely tested.
- You should also test the water for bacterial cultures: some bacteria are good and actually help your plants grow, but a lot of bacteria can lead to a dead crop.
- Understand How To Keep Your Cannabis Plants Healthy
Though it’s entirely possible to grow cannabis in your house’s spare room, it will serve you better to think of your cannabis as a “crop” rather than a nice decoration. You should consider the following as you are setting up your growing room as well as during the life cycle of your plants: they will need pH-tested water, light, nutrients, and adequate ventilation to survive. Even though cannabis cultivation is possible in water, they need airflow to prevent mold growth on their delicate leaves.
- Be Meticulous when Harvesting
There are three stages to harvesting your cannabis leaves: processing, drying, and curing. Make sure you have a thorough knowledge of the cannabis plant’s anatomy before beginning your harvest. You might be tempted to pick the leaves off the plant after they’re dry, but resist the urge and follow these tips for a successful harvest:
- When processing for drying, you will want to remove the fan leaves from the stem to increase airflow to the buds. Remember, you want to prevent mold at any cost!
- During the actual drying process, keep the room’s humidity around 50%. You might also want to purchase a fan at this point to increase airflow and speed drying time.
- When it’s time to cure your plants, remember to leave a small bit of the stem attached to the bud—this will help the bud stay together.
About CannGen Insurance Services
For more information about our comprehensive insurance solutions for the cannabis, CBD, and hemp industries, please visit our website at www.canngenins.com or email marketing@canngenins.com.