Product Highlights
- Private Company D&O and EPL
- Market leading modular forms designed specifically for cannabis, CBD
& hemp clients - Risk management services for CannGenPRO policyholders
- D&O:
- Full Side ABC coverage
- Broad cannabis regulatory coverage
- EPL:
- Third party liability included
- Wage & Hour defense sub-limit by endorsement
Approved Classifications
- Cultivators
- Processors / Harvesters
- Manufacturers / Extractors
- Wholesale Distributors
- Transporters
- Dispensaries
- Retailers
- Non-Storefront Delivery
- Ancillary Businesses
Coverage Options
- Primary coverage
- Limits Up to $5M aggregate
- Separate or combined D&O/EPL
- Duty to defend form with deductible
- Duty to indemnify form with self-insured retention
- Prior acts coverage available
- No Controlled Substance Act exclusions
- Side A carve-backs for certain exclusions
- Manuscript endorsement options by referral
Appetite / Eligibility Criteria
- Business is domiciled and operates exclusively in legal cannabis, CBD & hemp states
- Start Ups / New Ventures acceptable
- Capital / Funding raises
- 51% or more of total revenue must derive from cannabis, CBD & hemp
- All classes including ancillary service providers
- Asset sizes up to $500M
- Employee count up to 250
Ineligible Risks
- Public companies
- Assets greater than $500M (referral only)
- Employee Count greater than 250 (referral only)
- Non-US/CAN domiciled risks
Directors & Officers / Employment Practices Liability Submission Requirements – Email submissions to
- CannGenPRO Application
- Audited financials (if available); or 12 month balance sheet and income statement
- List of board members and management team
- Capitalization table
- Business plan/pitch deck (if start up)
- Loss runs (currently dated)
CannGenPRO – Management Liability Flyer

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